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Kínálatunkban megtalálhatóak az iparban leggyakrabban alkalmazott hossz mérőeszközök: tolómérők, mikrométerek mechanikus, órás és digitális változatban. Ezen kívül mérőszalagok, vonalzók, vízmértékek, lézeres távolságmérő eszközök széles választékával állunk rendelkezésükre. Amennyiben elektromos jellemzőket szeretnének mérni a következő mérőműszereket kínáljuk: multiméterek, lakatfogók, feszültség vizsgálók és termométerek.



Having the right tools  means more than just using the best testers and equipment.  It is important to know  how to get started, what to do, understanding what the results mean, and then being able to identify the best solutions.  Are you using your Fluke equipment to reach your full business potential?
If  you are considering purchasing a Fluke product, have already purchased, or are just interested in improving your skills, knowledge or business, Fluke offers a range of possible options and solutions.



Bevor 150 Jahren, Carl Mahr erkannte die Nachfrage auf das Maß es für passende Geräte, so erstellt die genaue Länge-Messgeräten. Zur heute die Mahr-Gruppe wuchsen sich in den dritten größten Hersteller in der Welt auf der Messen-Technik hinein. Das Deutschland-Basis Unternehmen beschäftigt 1.600 Mitarbeiter, dessen Zentrum ist in Göttingen. In 1861 gegründete Gesellschat hat die ISO 9001 Zertifiezirung, die versichert die ausgezeichnete Qualität ihrer Produkte. Die Ingenieure und Fachleute gerne verwenden die Mahr-Messgeräte in der Automobilindustrie, im Maschinenbau, in feinwerktechnischen und optischen Betrieben, sowie in Wissenschaft und Forschung.



Maxwell-Digital provides professional multimeters and other measuring instruments for 15 years. We offer a wide range of multimeters for almost all of the measuring that you need with your electrical work. We have also instruments for metering length, area, volume, humidity, light intensity, temperature and many other value. You can use our products in your car to test fuses, rpm and other values. If you would like to record your data, you can use our DMMs with PC Connection.



The best tools for the money. Period. Amprobe has been hard at work since 1948, building durability and affordability into every tool we make. Today, Amprobe offers hundreds of test tools for industrial, commercial and residential applications. Each one is proven in the workplace, built tough and priced right. No other tools give you more for your money.

Extech Instruments

Extech Instruments

Extech Instruments
• Incorporated in 1970
• Acquired by FLIR Systems in November 2007
• Headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
• Selling globally through distribution, Extech is the go-to source for:
• 15 categories of test and measurement instruments
• Thermal imaging cameras
• Portable printers
• Employs over 100 personnel worldwide
• International design, manufacturing and warehousing facilities located in Taiwan, Hong Kong
• ISO 9001:2008 certified by TUV
• Known for the Extech Advantage™: Innovation, Selection, and Support