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Purificazione industriale

Az előállított termékek és azok gyártási környezetének tisztasága alapvető elvárás mind a minőség, mind a versenyképesség, mind a funkcionalitás szempontjából. Vevőink folyamatosan törekednek arra, hogy  - figyelembe véve a környezetvédelmi elvárásokat is - a felhasznált anyagok és eszközök kiválasztásával, valamint a költséghatékonyság szem előtt tartásával mind jobban megerősíthessék pozíciójukat a piacon.
Cégünk számos tisztítási folyamathoz kínál termékeket, melyek közül mindenki megtalálja a legoptimálisabb megoldást.

Kontakt Chemie

Kontakt Chemie

A board product range

As electronics are increasingly used in diverse fields, the KONTAKT CHEMIE product range meets the needs of:

Technical cleaning

Whether it is a case of contacts inhibited by corrosion, or heavily soiled printed-circuit boards and electronic components, KONTAKT CHEMIE cleaning sprays quickly re-establish connections.

Maintenance and quality assurance

KONTAKT CHEMIE offers a multiplicity of products, which are specially designed for the care of electronic and electrical equipment and guarantee their long term faultless operation.

Reliable and long-lasting protection

Moisture is the enemy of all electrical contacts. High quality products from KONTAKT CHEMIE protect against corrosion and keep the electronics operating even when the environment is not what it ought to be.

Special uses

KONTAKT CHEMIE sprays guarantee an effective protection with a high dielectric strength, keeping all components, printedcircuits, metals etc., clean, reliable and suitable.



Surclean Electronic Production Materials is the consumables manufacturing division of Surface Mount Technology, the UK based Reflow system manufacturer. Surclean was established 7 years ago, initially to supply SMT's customer base. Within 2 years of starting, it had grown into an established manufacturer with its own developed product range. Since then it has grown at such a fast rate that it now accounts for over 70% of group turnover, and the expansion continues. All manufacturing and development is carried out in house. Surclean does not re-badge or re-market products from any other manufacturer.
A full laboratory and qualifying trials facility is maintained and Surclean technical support staff are happy to assist distributors and customers with testing for correct product selection, and with process applications advice. Surclean in house staff skills cover laboratory product development, through materials production, to Electronics production engineering.

Due- Ci Electronic

Due- Ci ElectronicDue- Ci Electronic

un'azienda italiana che osa dal 1966 produce e distribuisce la pulizia spray elettronica , la circolazione e l'industria telekommunikásiós . Dal 1993 , i loro prodotti vengono esportati in tutto il mondo , quindi ci siamo ritrovati qui in Ungheria . < / P> < / p >



Chemtronics stata fondata nel 1958 e da allora prende la posizione di leader in attrezzature ausiliarie per la riparazione e la manutenzione dei nostri animali e la produzione di sostanze chimiche . Una linea di prodotti che crescono in loro megtalálhatóka solventi vari , tamponi , salviette l'industria elettronica e delle telecomunicazioni per . < / p >



operativo dal '60 inizi CEGA di detergenti minűségi , vernici e prodotti chimici speciali < span style = " line-height : 1.6em " > specializzata nella produzione , che sono lo scopo principale di miglioramento dell'efficienza , sicurezza e prestazioni . Il < / span> TECHSPRAY Renew prodotti offrono soluzioni ecocompatibili per l'industria elettronica . < / span> < / p >