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The Piergiacomi Sud s.r.l. was founded in 1979 thanks to the intuition and experience gained by the founder members in the company they inherited from their parents, a company that was founded in 1923. This company, still operating, occupies an important place in the supply of industrial equipment and raw materials.

From that time Piergiacomi has developed widely, becoming the leader in its field in the manufacture of hand tools, in shearing, in electronics and in parts, in the electro-technical field. In fact, no other manufacturer has a range of tools as wide as Piergiacomi's: more than two hundred different types of tools, well known and sought after by the industrial electronics market worldwide.
Furthermore, with a view to a more professional outlook and also to diversify the range, vast investments have been made in order to develop a brand new line of products. In fact, a new series of automatic machines for PCB manufacture and an innovative line of equipment for use in the medical field have been introduced with fantastic success.